Metal Cutting Saw Stop  2                                                5-2024


Working With Metal Continued


This isn't the best picture because it's a little blurry but the area that's out of focus has the two degree angle.



Here are all the components of the saw stop. I'm going to use thumb-screws to make my adjustments quick and easy.



I put a full radius on one end of the short piece but I left the opposite end mostly flat. Having a radius helps if there are metal chips on the end because the probability of them getting between your work piece and work stop is greatly reduced. The longer rod will go into the base that's attached to the saw. 



Here you can see how it works. Loosen the thumb-screw, slide your work stop into place, and then tighten it again. That's it!



This smaller material is 3/16" diameter round bar. And if you're wondering why the work stop and work piece are not centered, this was by design.



This will make life soooooo much easier now.



The work stop is maxed out in the picture below. However, when longer pieces need to be cut to the same length, I can use the saw stand support because it moves up and down and extends out to about three feet from the blade.



Here is a close-up of what it looks like maxed out.



To use the saw stand support I just swing the new work stop out of the way and I'm good to go.



A look at the full radius end resting against a piece of aluminum to give you an idea of how it works. This work stop was easy and fun to make. And now my saw will work that much better.



To round out the saw upgrade, I bought two new saw blades. The blue one is a direct replacement of what was on the saw originally and the green one is for cutting aluminum.

I haven't used the aluminum blade yet but I have installed the other one because after two years of use, it was ruined. After looking at the old one, it had missing teeth along with the rest being dull. And it was a night and day difference just how well the new blade works, which I should've replaced long ago. Anyways, this was fun to make and now I'm looking forward to my next metal working project.


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