Plant Hangers  1                                                10-2024


My daughter Tracey, wanted me make her some plant hangers which sounded like a nice project. She told me some parameters, how many she wanted and said whatever species of wood I'd like to use would be fine with her. There will be two sizes; 8" X 5" X 1.250" and 7" X 4.5" X 1.0". The wood type for the larger ones will be mahogany and the smaller ones will be alder and black walnut. And they all will have two holes each for mounting.


Working With Wood

If you look close at the board on the left (alder) you can see some L shapes that are in pencil. This should give you an idea what I'll be making. The black walnut on the right will need to be glued together, so I've jointed the edges of all those pieces. With that being said, let's get started.



Before I took this picture, I had already glued the sides together making my flat pieces that you see below. Now I'm gluing my 1/2" pieces together to make-up my one inch thickness.



Here is the mahogany that I'm running through my thickness planer. I stopped at 1.25" thickness.



Next I squared my work piece on my table saw.



I'm using a 1 3/8" diameter Forstner bit at the corner of each hanger. The third hole that you see was a test to make sure nothing weird happened.



Next I cut away the waste, but stayed away from my line.



Then I trimmed the ends on my table saw.



To make sure all my pieces were the same length, I used a work stop.



Here I'm using my milling machine to cut the inside tangent to the larger radius. I'm using a work stop on the left and two in the rear so every part repeats.



Next I switched setups to put in a notch where the plant will hang from. I'm using a 3/4" diameter end mill for this.


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