Working With Wood Continued
Here is a close-up of the notch.
The Forstner bit left a rough finish so
I'm smoothing that area out on my spindle sander.
Then I used my router table with a 3/16" roundover bit to soften all the
edges, except the area that will be mounted to the wall.
Now it's time to put some mounting holes in them all.
I'm hanging my work pieces off the edge of the table here. Note the head has
been rotated about 15 degrees along with the head extended all the way out
to reach my work piece.
Here is a better look at what I'm doing. I have a work stop in the back
along with it locating against a parallel on the left side.
I'm also using a scrap piece of wood under my work piece so my drilled
doesn't end up with excess tear-out.
Here I'm using an extended countersink for the screw heads. I made this
countersink many years ago and it looks like my dog Theo approves.
I'm using my side yard as a spray booth while applying some clear.
It's Finished
Here are the larger ones made out of mahogany.
A sharp eye will see the grain of the wood is going in the wrong
direction. However, this was the only piece I had to work with of this
thickness, so I made them extra thick.
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