Working With Metal Continued
At the bottom of the cheat sheet (on the previous page)
there are some work coordinates that are for two different radii that
you see below. I used a sharpened dowel pin and put a dent at each
location so I could use my dividers to layout some lines.
Here you see that I'm scribing a 2.0" inch radius
(arrows). These marks represent the outside radius. Once those were
done, I changed the radius on my dividers to the 1.793 and scribed the
inside radii.
Here is what I have so far, which is exactly what I was after.
I used my hack-saw to remove the end pieces which will make it easier
for me to machine right to the line.
I used my flycutter set for a 2.0" radius to cut all the ends.
This is what it looks like after a few minutes. At this point the ends
are finished. Now it's time to work on the inside.
I used my jigsaw to remove the inside area. I cut about one or two inches,
stopped, moved my clamps, and then cut again. This took awhile but it
worked great and I didn't bend my material.
This process worked out great and now it's time to machine the inside
I'm using some wood tooling again to rest my work piece on. I'm also
using some metal parallels and clamps to hold my work piece down with.
A close-up of the end while using a 3/8" end mill.
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