Jan thru June  2013

33 Coupe Having Fun 68       5/17/13

On Friday, May 3rd. the Past Pleasures Car Club had there monthly show in Yucaipa, Ca. The show hours run from 6 to 9 pm but if you don't get their early then you'll be in the back row or worse, not in the show at all.

The amount of cars that attend this event is very good and this month was no exception with about 190  to 200 cars that showed up. One of the reasons for the good turnout is the nice weather with temps in the low 90's. I took a bunch of pictures so let's take a look at some of cars and trucks that made the show.

I took lots of pictures so settle in and enjoy!







This was a car that I've never seen before and it had a wicked paint job. After talking with the owner for a few minutes I found out that he bought it only a few days ago.



This is the other side and as you can see there was a mishap with the previous owner. Obviously that didn't make or break the deal because there are plans to repaint this car very soon. I can only speculate what may have happened here and what it looked like with real flames....ouch!!




















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