Working With Wood Again Continued
Here is what the angle plate looks like and how I'm using my clamps.
It's a simple setup but it worked great.

Next I needed to make a recess for the mounting hardware on the back of
each shelf. I'm using the 2" side of my 1 X 2 X 3 block for one end of
my work stop.

I located the end of the shelf against the block (#1),
then moved forward and made a cut. Then I moved the shelf against the
adjustable parallel (#2) and made another cut. This gave the overall
slot width for my mounting hardware. After those were established, I
then moved my shelf over the amount of my blade width and cut again. I
did this until I had all the waste removed. You might call this a poor
mans 'dado blade'.

Here is what it looks like after cutting. The slot is .150" deep and
fits the mounting hardware exactly.

Here is the other end. I know it looks odd, but this is what I needed
which worked out great because it keeps the hole away from the end where
strength is compromised.

I had this polyurethane leftover from a few other projects so I used it.
This has a satin sheen which really doesn't matter for this project, just as long as the
shelves have some protection.

I used a brush to apply the finish with. However, this product is
water-thin and takes effort to apply it correctly.

I sanded with some 400 grit paper the next day to remove any dirt and
dust. This only takes a few minutes but it makes a big difference.

It's Finished
Here are all three shelves installed and finished. They are 12" apart
which should give ample room for things to rest on.

And here are some of the Lego projects that my wife made.

She plans on placing some of them throughout the house depending on the

This was a fun project and I might do something like this in another
room soon.
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